Thursday, January 14, 2010

Phone Blog Trial (don't worry, i won't do this often)

An amazing day: up on time, bagel for the drive instead of a pop tart, discount milk, Npr podcasts, 1hr lunch, 1.5 hr mtg, dinner & app trail videos w/ stepbro.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Almost up to snuff

Well, I'm almost where I want to be.  Here's a the general status quo:

I'm relatively on top of:
my workload at my job
Have an interview set up at Dartmouth
Approved for a loan to reduce some of my credit card debt
Will register my car next week
Set-up website and blog sorta.  Started Picasa.  Have Evernote newsfeeds going straight to facebook
Lord of the Rings is my last old book to finish before I start tackling new ones

Need to do soon:
FAFSA / profile
Figure out a vanity plate
Send Holiday letter

Areas in which I'm lacking but don't really care about:
No Girlfriend
No cash (owe Mom a ton)
Old clothing
I cut my own hair
My desktop computer just died again

Saturday, January 09, 2010

one more thing

in smaller news: adam and tiff bought their house and paul sold his.

A not entirely wasted day

Alright, I know I said I was going to start blogging more / at all so I feel a need to update this little thing before I go out tonight.

Today I....
  • woke up on the couch at JJ and Adrienne's.
  • I drank some leftover, watered down soda from mcdonalds.
  • We watched The Ugly Truth during which JJ made an egg sandwich by cooking the egg in the microwave and then adding cream cheese.  I must have looked hungry because he gave me half.
  • Drove to my mom's while texting and driving about the stories from last night
  • Played around on the internet figuring out how to use RSS feeds from blogs and evernotes to facebook and back.  and that led to reading stuff on google reader.  basically all caught up on my friend's posts now.  amazing.  to give you a sense of how wasteful these 5 hours of my life were, here's the final video i watched:

and, in case you were wondering, here are the stories from last night (a girl i knew asked and wanted to know):

4:28 PM me: phew... long list of them
  at the risk of ruining my conversationalism tonight
  go from work to vendetta instead of amherst which was originally my plan (my brother closed on his house and had people over earlier in the day)
4:29 PM have 4 beers with a guy i sort of know there. def a cool cat. spacing it on his name
  6', white, skinny i think? mustache-predominant beard
4:30 PM friend: Dave?
 me: from there, go to cobblestone because i've never been there when amanda works there
  yeah, dave i think! maybe.
 friend: lol
  Where is cobblestone?
4:31 PM me: old sports bar next to athens
  anyway, get there, barely know anyone
  but i check facebook and will huttwelker was ready to go out
  him: "where ya at?"
me: cobblestone
him: "sweet, that's where i'm going"
4:32 PM i don't know if i trust him on that, but it did work out
  so while waiting i sit at the bar and begin to hit on this girl there alone
 friend: what is her name?
 me: me: "waiting here for someone?"
  no clue
 friend: lol
 me: we talk for maybe 5 minutes
  will comes in and says hello to her first
4:33 PM apparently they know each other (no, he was not who she was waiting for)
  her friend came in shortly after. i bought us all slim jims
 friend: what are slim jims?
  the meat thing
 me: WTF?
 me: yes the meat thing
4:34 PM imagine a dog treat
  now imagine it slightly better
 friend: oh ok... just making sure it's not a drink
  they sell those at cobblestone?
 me: it's not as good as you're now imagining
 friend: what kind of bar is it??
 me: i even cried earlier this week on facebook because i ate my last slimjim
 me: me too!
4:35 PM anyway, from there we went to lab for a few more drinks. met up and played pool with those girls for a bit
  started to black out, decided to get back to the V because jj was my ride
4:36 PM a bunch of people i knew where there
  proceeded to get sloshed
 friend: did you get lucky with the girl???
 me: at one point i was flipping my phone like the coaster flipping game
  off of a full beer
  it spilled
 friend: oh god!
 me: i don't even remember saying goodnight to them
4:37 PM so i don't think so
  my friends quote me later in the night [in reference to another conversation i had with some random]: "my name is ben. want to go home with me?"
4:38 PM oh, after the full beer spill i was cut off for a bit which is probably why i sorta remember that period of time
  but then i was allowed to start drinking again
  jj drove my car to mcdonalds around midnight and i slept on their couch
4:39 PM i remember leaving the bar and everything after but there were def some stories i forget
 friend: lol
4:40 PM me: like "kicking the chair like a little child because [i] didn't want to go to kilkenny's"
 friend: well i don't blame you there!
 me: i got my way
  that group left without me
  so how was your night?

FINAL THOUGHT: a slimjim drink would be amazing and dovetail nicely with the spicy italian and white pizza

Monday, January 04, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Ok, it's a tad late, but time for New Year's Resolutions:

1. stop worrying so much about arbitrary dates
2. continue to have fun
3. blog / update websites more often
4. take a risk and succeed this year (at something big)
5. make decisions based on wisdom not desires
6. stop being so lazy (less tv and more stuff)
7. pay off credit cards
8. donate blood successfully once
9. practice things i'm not very good at yet (guitar, art, harmonica, etc)

and the big one....

10. write a book (yes, really)