Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Almost up to snuff

Well, I'm almost where I want to be.  Here's a the general status quo:

I'm relatively on top of:
my workload at my job
Have an interview set up at Dartmouth
Approved for a loan to reduce some of my credit card debt
Will register my car next week
Set-up website and blog sorta.  Started Picasa.  Have Evernote newsfeeds going straight to facebook
Lord of the Rings is my last old book to finish before I start tackling new ones

Need to do soon:
FAFSA / profile
Figure out a vanity plate
Send Holiday letter

Areas in which I'm lacking but don't really care about:
No Girlfriend
No cash (owe Mom a ton)
Old clothing
I cut my own hair
My desktop computer just died again

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